Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) Report

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Bracken Darrell

"As a humble, ‘always learning’ company, we expect to be held accountable not just for our financial performance, but also for our performance in contributing to a world that is fair for every person. Change can start with us. We will address systemic discrimination and help assure equity within our company and model the right actions for our industry and others."

— Bracken Darrell, CEO


Our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion enables us to bring together people with different perspectives, skills, and ideas to drive innovation. We value and celebrate our multitude of cultures and backgrounds, and recognize that great ideas come from us all.

Creating an Inclusive Culture

Building a company culture that promotes inclusive leadership and ensures team collaboration, innovation and excellence through an environment where employees feel respected, supported and valued by Logitech and each other.

Enabling & Supporting Underrepresented People

Fostering visibility, capability, community and access for people who come from underserved or marginalized backgrounds and communities.

Changing the Way We Do Business

Continuously improving Logitech processes and programs to better connect with customers, employees and partners by maximizing inclusion and minimizing bias.

Logitech at a Glance

Our global footprint extends across oceans and borders. With reach comes responsibility. We act on issues that really matter, look for innovative opportunities to make change, and strive to be an active player on a global front to help solve broader challenges.

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