10 Tips to Maximize ROI in Video Conferencing

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Illustration of a people in video meeting from different places

As spending on video conferencing services has exploded in recent years, some organizations wonder if they are doing enough to maximize their investment. Large companies today may spend millions of dollars annually on Microsoft Teams, Zoom, or Google Meet. Are they getting the full value for that investment?

Download our infographic for 10 ways to increase ROI by creating a great meeting experience, encouraging adoption, and simplifying management for IT admins.


Illustration of video conferencing meeting between 2 people

Ensure remote meetings feel like face-to-face for everyone involved

Illustration of video conferencing equipment

Simplify setup and maintenance with all-in-one video bars

Illustration of the swytch adapter connected to laptop

Make it easy for employees to join meetings on other platforms

Illustration of person whiteboarding being captured by scribe camera

Enable whiteboard collaboration in every meeting room


Logitech Scribe Product image

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People love whiteboards. So why aren’t they used in video meetings? Learn how Logitech Scribe brings whiteboards into virtual meetings to support collaboration.
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