Logitech’s Diversity and Inclusion Practices

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Logitech’s Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion Practices

As Logitech CEO, Bracken Darrell, shared on Linkedin on June 19, 2020, recent events have encouraged us to shine a bright light on Logitech’s commitment and investment in diversity and inclusion practices.

We already look at our impact on employees and the community globally in a number of ways and, across multiple under-represented groups, including inclusive culture and belonging, representation, supplier and partner relations, diversity and inclusion initiatives, community giveback and more. But we have so much more to do. 

As a company, specific to addressing racism and bias, we are committed to taking action and expect to be held accountable for the following:

  1. We Will Speak Up, Speak Out:  Be A Voice For Change, Even As We Change Ourselves.  We will become an honest and authentic advocate for stopping racism. As a company, we have often been too quiet on social and political matters but will become a more consistently vocal advocate. By sharing that we are acting but not there yet, we hope we can play a small role in encouraging others to do the same and to be transparent and accountable. 

  2. We Will Support Other Activists For This Change. We offer a global Volunteer Time Off and employee donation matching program, but these are just a start, we will now do more. We will make multi-year commitments to organizations that explicitly work to improve fairness and eradicate racism. We will expand our support of schools and nonprofits in under-supported communities with financial contributions, volunteering, and product donations.  

  3. We Will Support Our Communities. We have a history of investing and mentoring entrepreneurs and will look at the makeup of our investment to ensure innovation and ideas are coming from a diverse set of voices. Specifically, supporting Black and minority founders as they create new businesses (Incubators, VC funds, Joint ventures, etc). We have partnered with Best Buy to fund and support a teen tech center for the Boys and Girls Club in California and will target opportunities to support other STEAM centers in underserved communities. 

  4. We Will Support Suppliers And Partners That Are Black, Women And Minority Owned. With 1000’s of suppliers, we are actively working on a supplier diversity program and are conducting an analysis of our supplier base, which we will begin to report on as a corporate metric. 
    Taking Action: See next steps here.

  5. We Will Transparently Measure And Report Our Improvement. We will evolve from the inside out. We actively review and invest in diverse representation and pay equity at Logitech and will accelerate our plans for sharing our numbers publicly. We will increase our investment in recruiting, developing, and promoting Black and other underrepresented people.  

  6. We Will Support Education at Every Level. Starting with our own company, we will educate our leaders and all employees on anti-racism, continually. We will also support education in schools to free the next generations from this injustice.

  7. We Will Never Stop. We Will Make Mistakes, And We Will Learn. This job isn’t done until the playing field is level for all, including black people, other people of color, LGBTQ+, women, and all other underrepresented groups.

We will not be afraid to act for fear of reprisal or provocation.  When we err, we will apologize, correct if we can, and work to be better. Ultimately, this is about accountability and action for Logitech. We pledge to make diversity a priority and be transparent and accountable for where we succeed and fall short.


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